Country of Origin is one of the most critical trade data elements. Country of Origin impacts include marking/labeling, Section 301 and 232 liability, ADD/CVD, admissibility and government contracti...
Country of Origin is one of the most critical trade data elements. Country of Origin impacts include marking/labeling, Section 301 and 232 liability, ADD/CVD, admissibility and government contracting.
This advanced country of origin webinar will go in depth to the complexities of the rules of origin and provide detailed examples of scenarios for country-of-origin determinations and some of the challenges companies may have when dealing with complex operations.
The topics covered will include:
Section 102 Rules
Substantial Transformation Rules
Marking and Labeling Rules
Case Studies
Steve Zisser, Managing Partner and Attorney, Zisser Group
CCS Credits will be granted
Sponsorship Opportunities $650
Sponsorship includes:
· 5 admission tickets
· Your logo on the invite and promo materials
· Opportunity to display a slide with your key message and/or
· Make a brief 2 minute presentation of your services.